RMMG - Revista Médica de Minas Gerais

Volume: 27 e-1900 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.5935/2238-3182.20170097

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Do Cyber Bullying (intimidação sistemática)/Cyber Stalking (perseguição sistemática) leve ao extremo caracterizando (Cyber Tortura/Cyberterrorismo) no Brasil

Cyber Bullying / Cyber Stalking leads to the extreme characterizing (Cyber Torture / Cyberterrorism) in Brazil

Gilberto Martins Borges-Filho

Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de Sao Paulo Sao Paulo, SP - Brasil., Psichiatry - Sao Paulo - Sao Paulo - Brasil

Endereço para correspondência

Gilberto Martins Borges-Filho
E-mail: borgesfogm@hotmail.com

Recebido em: 17/11/2017
Aprovado em: 24/11/2017

Instituiçao: Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de Sao Paulo Sao Paulo, SP - Brasil


Our society has come to rely on the sheer size, technological power, and lightening fast speed of the Internet to seek out immeasurable pages of information, explore the unknown, and communicate with virtually anyone, anywhere, and at anytime across the globe. Conversely, the Internet has opened windows of previously unknown criminal opportunities that not only challenge, but also transcend all physical boundaries, borders, and limitations to detect, punish, and diminish what a ppears to be a mounting problem of global proportion. As such, the Internet has literally become a fertile breeding ground for an entirely new and unique type of criminal offender hereafter known as the cyber stalker - an offender who uses the Internet a s a tool or weapon of sorts to prey upon, harass, threaten, and generate immense fear and trepidation in its victims through sophisticated stalking tactics.

This paper presents a glimpse into the deviant behaviors and tactics associated with cyber stalking crimes, legislative intervention measures, and preventative initiatives created specifically to curtail this emerging global crime (Pittaro, 2007). However, it has a growing and frightening growth that should be considered as a possible public health problem based on the criteria developed by Leavell and Clark (1976). The definition of health problem is expressed in terms of its nature, extent, severity and significance. binomial aggressor-victim and that to better understand two important aspects to be considered: Virtual crimes have become not only a violence against the human being in political matters, but a way of life that expresses unconstitutional control over human life.

They suffer continuous criminal assaults, or not, until their aggressor (s), get what they want, even if it means the death of the victim, unfortunately unfortunately both justice and society are still starting to learn about it and not have the knowledge and means to defend themselves, and the victims are completely helpless when the harmful effects of the virtual attacks, be it by the web, radio, cellular and its various peripherals, as well as other diverse equipment radio transmitters found in the market and especially in the black market, which do not obey the norms established in the constitution through ABNT, Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, which can emit extremely high levels of radiation compared to national equipment that conforms to the standards of manufacture of the national apparatus.

Taking into account that the aggressors act individually and also in groups, one could imagine the condition of a single victim targeted by the action of several aggressors suffering bulls through simultaneous attacks hacker/cracker, for example, a group of about of about 10 aggressors at the same time for 4 hours a day for several months? What would be the most commonly used radiation exposure - nonionizing that these people would have? What will be the consequences to your health of this person? What would be the health damage of this hypothetical victim?

Electronic torture, in all its forms and by the various digital devices in which it places man amid subtle forms of control and surveillance, is a reality in an increasingly deterritorialized world (cyberspace), in which we are all controlled and guarded in the space by the intentional access to the electronic space.

But beyond this definition of terrorism with the new law, a form of terrorism is even more disturbing. It is called cybeterrorism of international reach. It is worrying because the worldwide computer network is the fundamental tool for the propagation of this type of terrorism, which manifests itself in ways never imagined, affecting countries, governments, organizations, families and people.

Mobile communication technologies, these really absolute mechanisms of control, are considered deterritorizantes, instituting of nomadic processes, precisely for creating displacements of bodies and information. Measuring the size and structure of organizations that control all of humanity, overthrowing and instituting governments, that is, deconstructing and rebuilding entire societies in a process that is imperceptible to many but irreversible, may be impossible in view of their global reach.

Virtual crimes have become not only a violence against the human being in political matters, but a way of life that expresses unconstitutional control over a human life in violation of Fundamental Rights and Human Rights. In addition to international organizations such as the United Nations, there are specific organizations that associate with different NGOs in the defenses of human rights and characterizing them as non-profit entities. One example among others, being an NGO, International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies ICAAC T was established to obtain evidence of serious human rights abuses for victims of electronic terrorism around the world.

What is a problem, as a whole as victims of crimes, one of the most challenging for the sale of victims, as well as the acquisition of installments in terms of provision for monitoring purposes in specialty health services, and for what it is possible to intervene through the courts through real evidence that there is systematic intimidation and persecution and other crimes.

There is a need for the scientific community to be more informed about the subject and to propose drawings of epidemiological studies and with a previous extensive review of the literature on the subject, which is one of the author's initiatives.